Marc D.
Review of Euro assurance

4 years ago

Insurer to avoid

Insurer to avoid
Euro Assurance has canceled my car insurance policy less than 2 weeks after taking out because they have noticed that Direct Assurance has canceled my insurance policy for lack of document (gray card not sent within 2 months). However during the subscription I was perfectly in order. I was in possession of my registration card and my information statements. Euro assurance did not want to know anything despite my 12 years of 50% bonus.

Euro Assurance offered me a solution which consisted of paying a premium approximately double that initially planned. Obviously I refused.

When I refused, Euro Assurance showed the reason on my statement of information: cancel by the insurer due to increased risk.

Finally I found an insurer from a large company who agreed to insure me regardless of the reason for termination on attractive terms. That said, it was not easy because I have had a lot of refusals from insurers who refuse to insure us under the usual conditions when an insurer cancels us on its own initiative. I also had to pay termination fees without counting all the time spent on the phone and internet to find a new insurer.

Beware of the opinions for the most part very positive on this company which generally relate to the good reception of the advisers and always reminder at the scheduled times, which is true. But do not hesitate to fire you like me and to register on the common file of AGIRA insurers for whatever reason, even if we are an exemplary driver unless we agree to pay an exorbitant premium.

Suddenly I would be much more wary of the future of online insurers like Direct Assurance and Euro Assurance.


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