Patrick Martinson

3 years ago

less than profressioonal again secirity gaurd o...

less than profressioonal again secirity gaurd on 3rd shift on 06/14/2019 no name offered : said if
i didn't like the the service there i could go somewhere else, after others were checked in with same or simlimar symptons. before you I was found passed out by amt at front desk of a hotel that i worked.
ask to be taken ther because i dint like st francis either . security gaurd then said if i dint like the service/treatment i was reciving i could go some where else tattoed girl behind the desk said the same thing having chest pain i preceded to walk out to go to osf on foot
this overzanis security preced to walk behind me in a threatining manor less than a foot away ill put you on the ground in hand cuffs he says i keep walking telling him to back off as i was leaveing the parking lot on my own i was hyperventalating by then with a high heart rate i passed out as he was yelling the medium was methodist property altho no meth signs only state stop signs. speed limit signs and a walking sign i called 911 no one ever came again preceded to osf from halmiton through meth drive crosway only way through passed out fell down almost got leggs ran over by a red car passing by at 3:00 a.m security a female blonde drove by offered no assistance only to say his leggs are half sticking out in the road. she could have offered a ride to osf or waited with me until ambulance arrived. no chance of that at least she drove away . no issue as i'm heading to osf a driving scurity gaurd there was called by these guys say i was in a threating manor to them she see's me stumbling almost passing out no help there either . she drove away . this is unprofessionail behovior from persons/also employees supposed to be professionals in the medical field. i'm giving this this the states attorneys office and the govonors office the monoply on unity pointe in peoria needs dissolved this is an unfair pratiice with state and federal funded moneys what if it was thier relative oe friend


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