Ing. Esmelin Alvarenga

4 years ago

The Secretariat of Security of Honduras is in char...

The Secretariat of Security of Honduras is in charge of matters related to the formulation of the National Policy on Internal Security and of the security programs, plans, projects and strategies, regarding the maintenance and restoration of public order for peaceful and harmonious coexistence. the prevention, investigation and combat of crimes, faults and infractions, the safety of people, in their lives, honor, beliefs, freedoms, goods and rights, aid in the preservation of the environment, public morality and property state, immigration control in its security aspects, prevention and repression of criminal immigration, regulation and control of private security services, registration and control of explosive weapons, custody and administration of the 240 Penitentiary Centers for adults and the custody of the Social Reintegration Centers for juvenile offenders, aid to the public powers and the management on and administration of the National Police.


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