Carla Wishon

4 years ago

Filthy and disgust, always smelled of urine in hal...

Filthy and disgust, always smelled of urine in hall 4. Had live the dining area with my mother because the urine stench was overwhelming! My mother had a slight cough and was weak. Took 2 days for nurse to check her out. I called one day and was told she was doing great! Rolling around in her wheel chair. I ve observed the care and that s why I hardly ever missed a day visiting. One the day I called, I asked to speak to my mother. I was disconnected one time, called back and my mother couldn t speak to me! I got in my car and when I arrived they d given her cough syrup. She was obviously very ill so finally her temperature was taken. I ask for the nurse did one and said she had pneumonia, but she d been active and strong the day before but I ll the day before that???? They wanted to treat her there and there was no way! I asked her to go to Detar and the charge nurse at night was very rude to me. I told her she was going to DeTar. While cleaning her up because another hospital would see how filthy the residents are that can t groom themselves are, I talked to several aids and a nurse. They were very upset and both said there was no communication between shifts. I guess it makes things easier when they can use the excuse I didn t know! I ve heard it from them so many times! I suggested ways to communicate since the can t figure how to do it!
My mother died from pneumonia, it was a painful,agonizing death. It was a death that should not have happened. Guess it s one less patient they can ignore because that s what I saw on Hallway 4. Do as little as possible and always act like you don t know anything!
I ve lost my best friend and only relative. My mom always was smiling and always said please and thank you. I feel sorry for the residents that don t have someone checking in on them daily.
I put here in this facility because there were no openings in Victoria. I would not let my dog stay all night at that place! And the stealing that goes on, awful. Can t even go there.
I just want to go visit my mom more then anything in the world, but I can t, I can t ever see her and that s so wrong!!!


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