Ashley nicole

3 years ago

This was for my visit yesterday and my overall hor...

This was for my visit yesterday and my overall horrible first and last experience with Kaiser. I called to see if anyone was available to see me and if I could make an appointment, spoke to a staff member who advised that I needed to go to urgent care because of my symptoms. I asked which location near me had an urgent care unit, NOT an ER. They said Redwood City. So I left work to go there only to find out that there is no actual urgent care unit. Only an ER. I ask to be seen, checked in and waited. I was first seen by triage nurse when I finally went inside to check my BP, etc. asked my symptoms and I was telling her what was happening....she barely even listened to what I was saying and I WATCHED her write something in my file that she THOUGHT I had...then I get transferred to my room. The doctor I saw was VERY condescending and very RUDE. She didn t even care about what was happening at all!! I went through my symptoms, even gave her a timeline of events from the last TWO WEEKS of what I was experiencing and she wasn t even listening! She said so this all happened today? - NO...only one of those things happened TWO hours before I got there and the other within the last TWO WEEKS. She would have known that if the triage nurse did her job correctly. But instead the doctor was told that I was experiencing severe abdominal pain . I NEVER ONCE told ANYONE at that facility that I was having severe abdominal pain. Doctor asked if I still had symptoms, I sad no because it comes and goes and I don t know why or how but in this moment I feel fine, still need to be checked. She then says so you re fine, no symptoms at all. They went away just like that? I don t understand why you re here. You need to see a primary care physician. Let me be clear, I m not a primary care physician. I m not here to run diagnostics or check some mole you found or any or any of that. I m here to treat urgent care patients and I thought you were here for severe abdominal pain...
How is it MY FAULT if staff over here are telling me to be seen right away and go to urgent care ??? Im sitting there holding back tears because I am HIGHLY UPSET and I ask her about the other issues I ve had and she said we re not here to discuss that - this was because I did not have that pain happen that immediate day..so she dismissed it. She saw that I was upset and didn t say much so she tried to talk about things it could be related to and said if it makes you feel better then we can order an X-ray and an ekg - like are you serious??? shouldn t you want to do that already after what I told you??? Ohh but it doesn t matter because it didn t happen that day right. Because you re seeing me for severe abdominal pain . I said it s fine. Then she says if you re worried you re gonna gonna drop dead from a heart attack today, you re not. You re young and healthy in your early 30 s and the fact that it just comes and goes is a good sign - but is it a good sign?? For a 28 year old to hav those symptoms....she asked about my health history and I haven t had major medical issues or surgeries, only kidney stones. But you never asked about my family history, no, the ONLY question you asked about my family history was have you had anyone in your family flat out drop dead from a heart attack ...that is what the hell she asked about my family history. I stopped looking her in the eyes long before she began asking me such incompetent, rude, and insensitive questions. How can you treat someone that way? And to top it off she was so condescending! Spoke to me like an idiot.
Even for the most simple questions you are such a condescending person. Oh and the icing on the cake was when I asked to be dismissed before my lab came back (didn t care at that point) and she asked me to wait because I really need to see someone actually needs my attention because his brain is bleeding out right now so can you just give me like 10 minutes so we can talk? I really care about all my patients and would like to figure this out. Is there a reason you want to leave - like really??? Yes.


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