4 years ago

We were sent to Dr. Levine the behavior Doctor by...

We were sent to Dr. Levine the behavior Doctor by one of my dogs vets because of the behavior issues of our puppy. He was only 6 months old and had some issues that the vet thought would only get worse if not taken care of when he was young. Having dogs our whole lives we never had a pup like this one so it was difficult to deal with his issues and needed help or so we thought at the time. We drove an hour up to this hospital to see Dr. Levine. Well this was some experience. Her assistant came into the room and spoke to us the Dr. popped in spoke to us for a few minutes, and was actually afraid of this puppy, he had a big mouth and barked a lot but at the time he was actually playing with the toys in the box she had in the room. The Dr. made no personal contact with the dog. Then suddenly she got up left the room never spoke to us again and never came back. We looked at each other and thought it was kind of odd. Her assistant came back in the room told us they needed to take blood tests and then put him on Clomicalm. Okay we agreed. We left with his medication which they charged us over a hundred dollars for which actually costs $34. The bill that day was around $400. Then we made another appointment but had to come back before that because they lost his blood tests. We returned after he was on the Clomicalm and assumed we would get some behavior modification tips but no we did not because that is another charge beyond the office visit which we paid for an got a $34 prescription for $400.. The same routine the assistant talks to you the Doctor comes in the room takes notes walks out says nothing does nothing and this time it was another $400. So after $800 we had a prescription for Clomicalm which actually costs $34. I tried calling and got the assistant who explained if we wanted anything from the Doctor it would cost more money. I complained that we already paid so much and received nothing but a $34 bottle of over priced pills. The Doctor actually had the nerve to call my Vet and tell him we didn't want to pay her and she deserved to be paid for every word she spoke. Well needless to say we never went back. My vet was renewing the clomicalm but after a few months and no results we decided we no longer wanted a drugged up dog. As he came off the medication we began to notice his head was clearing and we found books that had training tips that actually worked. He is a wonderful 3 year old Dog now with a clear head, no drugs, just hard work and discipline by him and us. We learned a big lesson here and the vet who recommended this Doctor no longer does, he was actually astonished when we told him what went on.


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