Shanta Lara-Navarrete

4 years ago

I was the victim ! I have a long history of DV cas...

I was the victim ! I have a long history of DV cases with my sons father where he abused me . There was discovery ! Proof he did what he did . He was put on a stet n was suppose to stay away from me yet he continued to call and wrote from jail and no one did anything or looked into it. He was ordered to take Domestic violence abuse counseling or some sort of anger management classes and was suppose to complete it and he did not follow through and they did nothing . So me being the victim of domestic violence he s still around to talk me into anything n control me and no one helped keep him in line. Now the tables have been turned on me . He put his hands on me and this time I fight back and now the states attorney has charged me with assault. Then they call him and asks if I told him not to go to court because if I did I can go to jail so of course now he knows that he says yup she threatened me to not show up. N boom I got new charges on me n put in jail smh . Now I m not only a victim of domestic violence but false imprisonments n have been lied on. The states attorney office need to look deeper n do there homework! It s obvious I m the victim here people! How about you re open the case with the stet n make him take the damn classes because if you guys would have made sure he took the classes in the first place then I probably wouldn t be in this mess!


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