3 years ago

On November 16th 2017, I headed over to this Hospi...

On November 16th 2017, I headed over to this Hospital, I was already in pain and bleeding a lot from a miscarriage I was having, I told security that I needed a wheel chair and needed to be seen asap, she had me fill out a form of course a sign in form and said to have a seat and they would call me, after almost 10mins of waiting and still in pain and bleeding, I left and went to another hospital.....I would rate them with a zero, they will take their sweet time and seemed not to care...I know 10mins wasn't a long time, but how much longer were they going to have me wait? Those 10mins at that moment seemed eternal for me!!! So as I said I left this place, went to a DIFFERENT hospital and right away they took care of me, they checked me in gave me wheel chair and put me in a bed....This place sucks!!! Want to add that it's also very dirty


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