Susan Petty

4 years ago

They are the WORST, Dr. Wolff lied to Me then proc...

They are the WORST, Dr. Wolff lied to Me then proceeded to KILL my Dog. They facts are THIS. I came 30mins away late night with my very Ill Dog via a Lyft as I don't drive . Mind you I live in Newark a transplant originally from Maywood,NJ. I arrive myself my 3 son's and our Dog. We are all completely distraught because we've had our Dog 10 yrs. We're all crying trying to talk to the EVIL DR.WOLFF and ask questions and get answers. She seems rather nice but NOT really something ISN'T settling well between her and I. Like I said She was pretending to but I didn't feel any compassion for Us the family. The EVIL DR. WOLFF came BACK after examining our DOG and what she would say next would shock me. I'm told that my DOG has had a Stroke as well as having a Brain Tumor ALL in an EXAM that took 15mins. Or less but my next question was Ok HOW do I make my Dog who's name is Butta comfortable at Home. The next word's that come out OF the DOG Murders Mouth were you'll have TO Put him down. My Son's AND myself next question is what do we do TO get his Ashes BACK. Several Times we asked this question. The DOG MURDER DR. WOLFF LIED AND REASSURED US THAT WE WOULD GET BUTTA'S ASHES BACK. This happened the Friday night into Saturday after Thanksgiving. So Tuesday I call MURDER GENERAL FOR PET'S. THAT'S WHAT I CALL THEM. BECAUSE I'VE GOTTEN MYSELF TOGETHER TO CALL TO FIND OUT ABOUT MY BUTTA. I'M TOLD IN THE COLDEST MANNER THAT I SIGNED OFF ON A GROUP CREMATION. I SAID COULD YOU PLEASE REPEAT YOURSELF. SHE RUDELY REPEATED THAT I SIGNED OFF ON A GROUP CREMATION. MIND YOU I ONLY WAS GIVEN A COPY OF MY BILL WHICH WAS FOR $407.00. NOW I'M livid, I ask to speak TO a Manager. I'm told that the manager is gone for the day. It's a Tuesday about 3:30pm. Instead the Supervisor FOR get this the Receptionist's speaks to Me well SHE too starts OFF rather nasty. But SHE tells me she'll CALL to and if they haven't done the creation she'll have him held. I CALL back in 30mins. The Young lady's entire tone as well as demeanor was very compassionate AND caring from the initial conversation. SHE TOLD Me something the Murdering Dr. WOLFF, neglected to tell Me. WHICH WAS they could have held my DOG for a few day's. So they can send me a Bill till the day I DIE and they'll NVR GET a cent from me. DR. WOLFF is a Liar and SHE doesn't give YOU all the information SHE can give. Hope someone tells YOU WHAT YOU did to my Family. YOU remember my screams when my Butta stopped breathing. I NVR thought FOR 1 instance my Butta wasn't going Home. I could have taken MY BUTTA Home and made proper arrangements. NOW your OUT of $407 and my DOG is Dead. YOU could have just sent him BACK home. YOU don't GET a cab in the middle OF the night ride 30mins from where YOU live. Then Sign OFF on a GROUP CREMATION. WHEN I WAS TOLD THAT I FELL TO MY KNEES. MY KID'S ARE COMPLETELY DESTROYED. THAT WAS MY EXPERIENCE.


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