Caz H

4 years ago

When my friend told me to meet her outside Primark...

When my friend told me to meet her outside Primark on Rose St so she could take me to her "new secret hideaway", I was slightly dubious about where she was taking me..

When we pitched up and there was furniture everywhere and looked like the bar was in pieces.. I was even MORE dubious.. they'd only just had their beer taps installed.. but we were told that if we came back in half an hour, they would be ready to serve us drinks...

So after a drink at another Rose St establishment, we ventured back to this little hidey hole and I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised! They had transformed the space back into a bar!! It's all couchy/bench seating along the wall with a few stools at the bar so probably not the best for a large group.. but for a small get together, this cosy little place which has only been open 8 weeks would be perfect!

Oh and they have a sign that says "Our house wine is Jagermeister"... be still my heart!! Now if only I can figure a way to get that sign out of the bar and into my house....


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