3 years ago

I purchased my first new HD here 2 years ago, and ...

I purchased my first new HD here 2 years ago, and this particular HD location has gone above and beyond to take care of my primary means of transportation, my Road King FLHR.

Yes, there have been some issues with it, but they always step up and handle it. I was just about to give up and go back to my metric bikes after a repair went wrong, but they provided excellent service, even giving me a loaner while they figured out what was wrong. It is little things like this that ensure that I come back here for my next new bike in a few years.

I log 20k+ miles a year in the saddle, so having a reliable ride is crucial to me. Everyone I ride with me told me to go back to a metric bike, that my Road King would not survive long at this pace. It has, and Tampa HD has corrected deficiencies and kept me rolling.

From Ryan in service, to Richie in the front office, they always step up and take care of business. It's actions like this that will have me coming back for more.


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