Jen Apfel

4 years ago

We had a great 2 years at the PlayGarden preschool...

We had a great 2 years at the PlayGarden preschool. In our 3rd year, on a hot day towards the end of the year our child took off all of her clothes during water play (the other children has as well but had underwear on). The teachers worked with her a few times to get them back on but then called us to pick her up early after shaming her for her behavior (excluding her from play, not allowing her to participate and having her wait, alone from the other kids and sitting alone, for her parent to pick her up). We asked if we could meet with the administration and teachers to form a plan to work with her on her behavior and keep her in school. The administration and teachers told us no meeting was necessary.

We told the administration and staff that we disagreed, and would not pick her up early based upon this behavior (we had previously been told after older kids had been repeatedly acting aggressive during class and hitting others, as well as calling names, that as an inclusive preschool, no child would ever be excluded or kicked out for behavioral reasons, instead staff would work with the child on their behavior), and we very much wanted to talk in person about the situation. We never received a reply, instead we received a letter in the mail telling us we should find a new school for our daughter (though our other child was welcome thru the end of the year - as if we would bring one and tell the other she wasn't welcome).

We were very sad to leave the PlayGarden, not have the opportunity to say goodbye to friends, and have our daughters behavior treated in such a way. Boys were allowed to hit and stay in school, yet girls were shamed because they took off their clothes and kicked out.

We emailed the administration as well as the Board of Directors, and never received a response regarding this incident.


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