Kaitlyn Smith

3 years ago

I feel like Im the only person here who has had a ...

I feel like Im the only person here who has had a bad experience but its been a year and Im still traumatized so I figured I would share my day here.

I had gotten out of a crisis unit a month prior to my visit. I was running out of my medication the unit prescriped me and I needed a referral for therapy. Obviously, I have severe depression.

I cant remember the womans name but she was older, had glasses, and I think was blonde. I think she was one of the counselors there? She asked me about my mental health history so I was completely open about it telling her about my PAST history with self harm and thoughts of suicide. I told her I was still depressed and was considering visiting my mom for awhile so I wouldnt be alone (I had moved to murfreesboro for school so Im four hours away from home.) I made it very clear that I was fine currently but I wanted to make sure I could get into therapy so I could start recovering further.

The first annoying thing that happened was that she just completely refused to discuss a possible diagnosis with me regarding my mental health. I threw around the idea of BPD and she said, We dont like to diagnose people because then it becomes their identity. She didnt even humor me. I really hope she doesnt have that methodology when it comes to diabeties or cancer because without a diagnosis there is no treatment.

Then it got WAY worse... she started saying I was threatening my life and she didnt feel safe letting me go home and be by myself or let me drive to my moms the next day. She was putting words in my mouth. She said, Well, how do you know your not going to drive off the side of the road on purpose after you leave here? I cant roll my eyes enough.

FIRST OF ALL, I never said infront of her that i wanted to end my life. I told her the only time I ever drove while wanting to end my life was while I was driving to the hospital to SAVE MYSELF and be in a safe place. Also, I made it clear if I ever did decide to end my life I would never consider doing something that could hurt other people. Im not heartless. She then called the police department to escort me to the hospital to be evaluated. I knew this was going to be a waste of time but she wouldnt listen to me and proceeded to take away my freewill and started the process.

The cop got there and walked me out through the waiting room. I have never been so embarassed in my life, having to be walked out by a cop infront of all of the other patients. When we got to the hospital I had to wait on a bed in the hall for over an hour, pee in a cup, and put on a smock all just to talk to a doctor for about five minutes (who remembered me from last month when I was actually a hot mess and was admitted into the crisis unit). He said I obviously was stable and should have never been brought here. He released me.

By the time I got out, the Hope Clinic was closed and I had no way to get back there to get my car. I had to go back into the hospital, have them call me a taxi that i had to wait on for 45 minutes so I could get to my stupid car. I wasted five hours of my day and had to go home without a new prescription or a referral for therapy.

After this happened to me I have been absolutely terrified of any doctor or counselor, worried that if Im honest about my past they are just going to shut me down and send me off so the hospital can deal with me. I understand that some legal issues would have been present if I had done something stupid after they let me go but I NEVER said I wanted to kill myself. How would I have ever been able to be counseled with her if I had to walk on eggshells and guard everything I say?! Gosh it just really irks me... even a year later.

This place may be okay for traditional doctors visits regarding physical ailments but please be cautious if you are coming here for a more severe case of mental illness. Seasonal depression may be okay but if you have ever tried to commit suicide or have self harmed and slip up your wording they will escort you out via police before you even know whats happening.


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