4 years ago

I had to file e paperwork for the claim that kohn ...

I had to file e paperwork for the claim that kohn Lawfirm filed against me, yesterday I got paperwork from the courts telling me I had to make a payment in full by x date or it would have consequences, today I called kohn Lawfirm just to make sure I could drive out and deliver the payment in person so I could have records for the court case, in case they try and state I didn t pay them on time, in my court paperwork it states the balance I owed them down to serving me paperwork, and the lawyer fees etc. when I called to get this information to drop it off the woman I spoke with on the phone told me the balance given to me wasn t correct and that they add interest on to the court balance... I m livid... this place is so unprofessional and NO WHERE IN MY COURT PAPER WORK DOES IT SAY THEY ADD INTEREST IF PAYMENT ISNT MADE RIGHT AFTER THEY FILE.


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