4 years ago

SAT 11th JAN I had a terrible customer experience ...

SAT 11th JAN I had a terrible customer experience at Tivoli - possibly the worst I've experienced in a retail store. I was asked to leave a demo room despite being there before anyone else and waiting to be served. I was in Showroom 2 looking at the B&W 803 & PS Audio amp - yet to be greeted and wanting to hear the 803s.

A tall/heavy employee serving another customer walked in, said Hi, and started changing some equipment for that customer (Dynaudio speakers w/ Arcam amp). This woman seemed to have little idea about audio, let alone high-end, as she pointed at the cone on top of the B&W 803s and asked "what are those?" - tweeters!!!

It was then the employee asked me to leave the room that I was already in before they were. The woman didn't seem to mind me being there so, I asked whether I, too, could hear the speaker/amp combo. No - he again asked me to leave. I heard the woman make a surprised "oh" as I left.

I left the store and bought my speakers elsewhere during the week.

2020 JAN 22 UPDATED response to Tivoli s response in photo:
1. For someone who wasn t present when this incident took place, the misrepresentation of facts in Tivoli's response is astounding
2. Cust Svc Mgr just said hi/how s it going? - not can I help you? or what can I do for you . Don t lie and make things up
3. No one welcomed me into the store - and, no one greeted me. I understand as, you were busy with other customers and have no qualm with that. But there was no conversation until I was asked to leave the showroom
4. No one encouraged me to look around - I was only greeted with a hi . Another lie
5. My remarks weren't derogatory - they state facts - that s what happened. Although, I accept I shouldn t be judgemental of this woman s inexperience with audio
6. You don t get to dictate how short or long I wait to review you
7. You don t get to dictate how I choose to provide you my feedback
8. You don t get to choose the time/place for me to write you a review
9. How arrogant and privileged are you to think you can dictate to me how I provide feedback? No wonder I had such a poor experience and everyone I ve shared it with has experienced similar
10. I understand you only want positive feedback on Google - if that s the case, only provide positive customer experiences
11. There are better ways to handle how you provide private demos - how you treated me is not one of them.


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