
brenda ross

4 years ago

I adopted a puppy at the mega adoption event held ...

I adopted a puppy at the mega adoption event held at the 23rd street armory on friday December 2,2016. As soon as we got her home we noticed that she wouldn't eat, all she wanted was water after we looked at her paper work to get more information about her, we saw tht she was already neutered and she as only 8 weeks old not the 10 weeks that I was told She was. By saturday morning she stopped drinking water at all and was now throwing up. By sunday she was now running a fever and still now eating. We were force feeding puppy milk trying to get her better. Monday morning I rushed her to our vet. She was very very sick. My vet felt that she was neutered at around six weeks old in order to get her ready for the adoption event. Which he felt was way to young to do it. Then she was shipped up from Florida for the event. She is suffering from stress and anxiety. Ihe gave us medication for her trying to get her to eat, she also got a injection for the fever. Tuesday morning I had to call the vet back because she still would not eat at all , we brought hr back and had to leave her with the vet so he could give her an iv and more medication. When we looked at her paper work it stated at some point she was 6.8 lbs but at the first trip to the vet she weighted 4.8 lbs. Brandywine should have seen how sick she was before the event. Its discusting how she has been treated. You should be ashamed to call yourself an SPCA.


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