Josie EternalRuler

3 years ago

Outline of review. Location- area, contacting, cle...

Outline of review. Location- area, contacting, cleanliness, food, bookstore. Employees- front desk, business office, financial aid, advisors, professors. NDT program - Cost, Professor, courses, in-class, access to the field

Area is nice and clean with lots of parking. Has great airways between the buildings and a nice sitting area and bbq in the central court.
Contacting the location is a struggle. Part of this is that most of us contact during high call times like the beginning of school or as school is starting. Those are rush times in colleges. GO INSIDE OR EMAIL ADVISOR OF THE PROGRAM or call during office hours but remember they take lunches too. So 12 to 2 may be spotty depending on who is on lunch break.
>Cleanliness:Great! Bathrooms are always clean, the whole place is shiny. The parking area,lawn, and sidewalks are well maintained.
>Food: Bleh meh... it's all vending machine stuff and over priced. Pack a lunch or grab something on the way. 4 hour classes without a snack can get difficult.
>Bookstore: A tiny university bookstore with little in it. Best to buy from walmart for things and order books online unless you have financial aid

EMPLOYEES --- remember during rush times they are swamped don't wait until the last minute. Plan at least a month ahead before school starts preferably 2.
>Front desk: Great and mostly you can self assist with the tablet at the desk.
>The business office: Good. There are payment plans, financial aid, and direct. You can pay online after you go to the business office in person and signing the agreements.
>Financial aid: A wreck (0 stars!). I do not know why they are so bad here. I use to do this job and it was not like this group. Research online and you'll probably be better off.
>Advisors: Great. I've met a few and they all are passionate about their jobs. Most important thing. It is your job to contact your advisor if you have issues. Take the initiative with them. They are there to advise. They are not there to babysit.
>Professors: I've had the pleasure of meeting a few in the programs. My direct is NDT professor John Saunders. They all are positive and funny and have been in the field. They know what they are talking about. Ask questions and take notes because what they say is what is out there.

NDT PROGRAM associate degree
>Cost:payment plans, financial aid, grants, scholarships, and high school access are best.
Otherwise it's $14,277.00 + fees and books which is about $3,000.00. Around $19,000 total. ( cheaper at other colleges but further away from me)
>NDT Professor: John Saunders is a great teacher. A lot of hands-on for students. He tells you exactly how it is and what it will be like in the field. With most programs it is YOUR job to take the initiative. YOU want to know more and learn more YOU need to ask more and do more.
>Courses: All classes are classroom hour classes. This isn't the same for all programs but it is for this one. There are some filler courses which I think WSU forced on to (WATC) WSU tech for credit requirement and required credit hours for a degree. For now that won't change. Try to make the most out of them. ORDER YOUR BOOKS ON ASNT and get a student membership. Way cheaper.
>In-class: Again you make the most of it.
If you want to learn you will. A professor can teach you the basics but for in field work you need to take initiative and the professor's here expect that front you. If you don't you will not be equipped for the field and that's on you.
The classes are about 60% reading and studying and 40% using tools and materials.
It can be fun. Talk to your classmates, interact. They will be your peers in the field.
>Access to the field:I'm close to graduating. I know students who graduated last semester and were in the field within the month of graduation. I've had offers almost. Can't wait to hit the field.
If you want the field-help yourself and the professors will help you. No one wants slackers in the field including the professors and the university. You want a reference. Show you deserve one.
It's legitimate.


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