Rarest Red

3 years ago

I will be discharged from maternity tomorrow. My l...

I will be discharged from maternity tomorrow. My labor was the most horrible experience I could have ever imagined. I checked in through emergency bout 3 am 3-16-2018. I was told that after an hour of waiting that I would be able to know for sure if I could be admitted and get an epidural. I was dilated to about a 4 and a. I received a little medication to help with the contractions. And after the hour, I asked about the epidural. The nurse checked me again and immediately called for me to be rushed to delivery. To my horror they told me that I could not get an epidural, because they felt I would deliver soon. I did not deliver until 6:17 am. I received one of the most painful procedures I have ever heard of to reduce pain and numb the nerves in my vagina. The procedure is horrible and the pain is excruciating I wanted to die at that moment. This is the second child I have had at this facility and both experiences have been horrible. This review is me finally venting about how my experience has me crying at 3 am I will be so grateful when I am discharged with my beautiful family. I can go home and give myself the care I need and move past the experience I have had at this place. I have learned my lesson about this place.


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