4 years ago

UPMC has dropped the ball with this facility. I sp...

UPMC has dropped the ball with this facility. I spent ninety minutes going round and round trying to find a physician for an outpatient appointment. I kept getting transferred to research coordinators, or Western Psych people that couldn't help me. The answer I really was appalled at was ,"we are not accepting any new patients in our mood disorder clinics" aka depression. Yes, that's amazing. At a time when people are most vulnerable for depression they aren't accepting new patients.
I decided it wasn't worth my time anymore to try to find someone to make an appointment. Major duds and losers in my opinion.
Answer to owner: You should not need me to fill out a feedback form. If you cannot figure out how to fix your problems from my review you folks are too messed up to waste my time in. By the way, you should never make the patient work extra hard to help you fix the problem. Adios!


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