Faith MacNeil Taylor
Review of SpaceWays

4 years ago

SpaceWays' service is appalling. We have been wait...

SpaceWays' service is appalling. We have been waiting for nearly a month for delivery of storage boxes. Every time they give us a slot - which of course involves taking time out of work schedules and other commitments - they fail to turn up. They have rendered themselves almost completely unaccountable and uncontactable. We have had repeated conversations with someone called 'Hal' who just does a lot of sighing and tells us that the slots we suggest 'aren't going to work for him'. So far we have only been refunded the original delivery charge, but after three more no-shows we have received no other offers of compensation or reimbursement for failed service or loss of income.

Apart from the fact that the lack of respect for customers' time and investment is a categorical disgrace, the company is in contravention of its own Terms and Conditions. If anyone reading this has experienced the same issues, please feel free to use the following information:

3.1.5 - The order confirmation comprises an agreement that is 'legally binding on you and us'
-- Given the repeated failure to deliver, the company is in clear breach of contract and must be legally accountable

12.1.3 - Spaceways state that they are not liable to the customer for any loss, misdelivery, or damage to items if (f.) the customer does not accept 'delivery within a reasonable time after the Order has been tendered'.
-- Although the Terms and Conditions do not define 'reasonable', the common global vernacular for this term generally does not include repeated no-shows and nearly a month of uncompensated waiting, with almost no customer service or support whatsoever.

12.2.2 - 'if we fail to comply with the Agreement, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breach of the Agreement or our negligence, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if they were an obvious consequence of our breach or if they were contemplated by you and us at the time we entered into the Agreement'
-- the loss and damage incurred by multiple incidences of waiting for boxes that never turn up, having repeated inconclusive conversations with 'Hal', taking at times whole days off work for no apparent purpose, is an obvious consequence of the company's breach of the Agreement. No customer would ever contemplate that this would happen to them at the time of entering into this Agreement, as the logical conclusion would be to take their business elsewhere.

SpaceWays have committed multiple breaches of contract. They offer negligible customer service and support. At each point that I have used social media to try to engage the company in accountability and response they have blocked my account. They are a sad example of the 'race-to-the-bottom' of the contemporary sharing economy: offering the lowest service to the lowest payer, exploiting the housing crisis and difficult access to transport posed by residents in London.

While I doubt that the company will be doing business for much longer (as they clearly don't know a storage box from their own elbows) I implore any prospective customers to look elsewhere, as dealing with SpaceWays has been a real blight on both my and my partner's lives.


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