3 years ago

Unfortunately I can only give a negative review,

Unfortunately I can only give a negative review,

This agency does not act impartially, if you are looking to find work best to keep in mind they will refuse to pay you the money have worked for and owed.

Recently I worked a contract through this agency, after 3 weeks & sustaining a minor injury I left the job as I wanted to recover and look for a better job.

In all cases the employee should be paid in full the hours that have worked. Unfortunately Emerald was instrumental in the down fall of this simple process, the client who was not happy about me leaving had refused to pay the hours worked which Emerald seemingly backed up her client.

In my opinion fawkes & Reece deliberately refused to pay in full the hours owed, in view to keep the money them self s and claim they have not received the money from the client.

Over the years I ve heard many stories about dodgy agencies nicking hours from good honest employees,
Unfortunately it seems like Fawkes & Reece Fall into the same category as all of the other non-reputable agencies out there who will deceive and steal hours from your pay for their own benefit claiming it s not them!!

I ve heard many stories from foreign workers who have been taken advantage of by agencies like this who have been taking advantage because of a language barrier or just simply they put the phone down and refuse to talk to them.

I was sent this link to leave a review by Emerald, before this review I contacted Emerald via text and suggested that she should make the payment that I am owed or risk a negative review, I received no communications from her and personally didn t expect to as previously explained.

This is an untrustworthy deceitful underhand agency who is only interested in making as much money from your hard earned wages!! you have been warned do not expect clarity or honesty when it comes to dealing with Fawkes & Reece.


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