4 years ago

I got deceived by meat type ! So i went to the but...

I got deceived by meat type ! So i went to the butcher i ask for an Australian meat specifically Goat meat , the man yold me he can bring it from inside and how much i wont ..
purchased and on the label it was clearly saying goat meat

After 3 weeks went back to purchase the same , another staff member told me first we have Lamb , i was like : i want goat not lamb .. the guy went like there is no difference i said to me there is goat is a goat and lamb is a lamb

Another Arabic manager presented and were so Rude aruguing about the difference between lamb and goat
To that point i was still insisting i want to buy goat if you have please?
He responded: we never sale goat all what we have Aussi Lambs !!!!!!!!!
I told him that I purchased it 2-3 wks ago
He denied!

Now thing is that i never keep receipt fo this long and assume no one will do

I called the AD government to complain, the still demanding for the receipt !

Please be Aware of this




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