Tina G.

4 years ago

I have not had pleasant experiences using the pool...

I have not had pleasant experiences using the pool to swim either. For one thing, in the a.m., there are only a few lanes open due to the aqua classes. It looks like now there is a reserved lane for walkers and this only leaves 1 lane to swim in while the classes are going on.
Then when the classes end, the water walker continues to walk in the swimming lanes instead of moving to Lane 1 that is reserved for water walkers when the classes are not in session. The swimmers are cramped into 3 lanes. I've been hurt in the shoulder from being so cramped.
Over the last several months, one of the walkers and her friend use one of the swimming lanes and talk while walking up and down a lane. At no time do they offer to move over to the walking lane when someone comes to swim. Twice, in the past 2 years, I have had the same water walker stand in front of me while I tried to swim laps in a lane she was using. This is threatening behavior is physically dangerous and the only way I got her to move is to tell her I was going to speak to the manager. This is bullying and should not be allowed.


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