Dorothy Ford

4 years ago


" THE HOUSEKEEPER FROM HELL EXPERIENCE". I am finally over the awful experience I had at this hotel to write about it. My husband and I stay at this facility Memorial Day weekend 2018, we arrived from Florida late Friday night and were very tired. Saturday morning we had an event to attend and were trying to shower and dress, housekeeping came to our door and proceeded to try an open the door, but could not get in, due to the deadbolt lock. We advised housekeeping we were dressing to go out, but the person kept trying to get into the room, so I went and push the door back closed. Ten minutes later this housekeeping lady shows back up at our door with a man, THEY DID NOT KNOCK on the door, but used the key to try and come in the room on us again, at this point we thought someone was really trying to break in our room and harm us. Once dress I went to the front desk to explain what we had experienced from what could have been the housekeeping department. Front desk female said " oh yeah the person trying to clean/get into your room went and got her supervisor". So I was like for what? Because we were dressing and did not let her in the room with us? We did tell the housekeeper we were undressed. I told the front desk girl how scary this episode was and ask why did they act like that, she sort of grinned it off. So I ask if we could get more towels, she said yes she would have housekeeping bring some. I'm sitting in the room ( forgot to put the deadbolt on door), I look up and the housekeeper just uses her key and comes right in on me ( did not knock at all). I asked why did she just barge in the room without knocking she said " because you needed towels" and walked out. I worked in the hospitality industry for Sheraton and Holiday Inn for 10 years, and I have never experienced or heard of this type of issue ever occurring to anyone. This was truly scary and at some point I did not know if our lives were in jeopardy.


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