Jennifer Lachmund

3 years ago

Absolutely a fabulous family to belong to. I have ...

Absolutely a fabulous family to belong to. I have been going for over 18 years. The church started very small- but, with leadership as they had- it was hard not to grow. We were busting at the seems back in the old barn! They are true to the Bible and they believe in big action. The only complaint you could make is if you want a small-town feeling- but they offer that too- all the life-groups and volunteers become family. You just have to get involved to feel a part of things. My daughter sings on the praise team for kids and this has been my single greatest joy seeing her grown in love for all children and Christ. They give to orphanages around the world, they raised money for drilling water holes for people in India etc. Then, they raised enough money to buy the machines for the locals. They take care of refugees, bring medical to people all over the world- help pull teeth and care for the needy in Mexico, etc. They send huge teams all over to care for people all over the world. In their local community they built a foster home residential area that is nice and it matches the area the children are going to grow up in. They have people who live as parents in these homes of six kids each that raise them in a family environment. I used to volunteer to teach the kids one night a week and I saw how it was a real family in there- and I was totally inspired. They help these kids get jobs and move into the new world too when they get to 18. The main point of the Place of Hope is to keep the siblings together that are normally apart. These kids are loved on in ways that people would find hard to believe. This is true community. They also have homes locally for mothers who are unwed and young and want to keep their babies- the cottages help them keep their babies, get educated and keep jobs. I have also helped there and have seen the miracles. They have a donation store where the women work etc. to help learn to work etc. They are huge in the safe rescue of the girls and boys caught up in the sex trafficking trade. They also speak around the world to educate on this. They have men's groups, groups for cancer, groups for addicts, divorce are etc. You name it. They have a disabled children's ministry that allows children to ride horses on Saturdays and gives the family some relief. There are so many things going on- it is hard to keep up. The Lewis Center in West Palm Beach gets tons of help from this church- they are the homeless help organizer of our county and growing and doing great things. Pastor Todd and Tom are wanting to impact the world by bringing them the good news. They offer very deep Bible study, but the main stage is usually to give you take-home motivation and education to go into your community and fulfill the great commission. I am happy there. Watch it online if you need to. :)


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