Kaelon Jerone Parkes
Review of Hamilton Racing

4 years ago

This review is from the firsthand experience of a ...

This review is from the firsthand experience of a security officer working for the Commonwealth Games in Galsgow 2014. Please take the time to read before considering departing with your hard earned money for the slumdog experience.

The premises manager would wake us up with the sound of her taking her horses for the only bit of exercise they would recieve for god knows how long. I found it pointless of setting an alarm as the crack of the whip abruptly woke me up from my sleep.

I then woke up daily to this ridiculous regime only to shower. Which is my way of forcing a start to my day. The shower was really nice, warm and great pressure. After exiting the shower I realised that my towel is laying in a cold pool of stagnant shower water from other people within the premises. It was only then I noticed the towel hanger was held up by a cheap screw affixed into cheap plasterboard. The shower system does not let water out, there is no drainage system and this became a daily problem so throughout my stay I had countless words with the premises manager. But that sorted nothing.

Upon my first night I realised the basins were filthy, this was accumulated filth. Not just your general usage dirt. I took it upon myself to get bleach wipes to use before I used it on a daily basis.

I got hungry after working at the Commonwealth Games and then I realised that the canteen was not open for every single day I was there until the last day. And that's when I realised the cleaning that took place. It was because there was an event taking place later during that day. I felt alienated from the service provider in such a way that I wanted a full refund. And I thought this would be the last problem, there was more in store for me.

There was a water cooler. This is the only source of drinking water as the tap in the break room does not display the appropriate 'drinking water' signage. So we relied on this one drinking water source and it then broke 5 days before my departure. In a normal situation the premises manager would make sure that their clients are looked after. And water is a basic human right. But in this situation after mentioning this unfortunate problem I had to take cab to Sainsbury to purchase water to survive. Even on the last day I found that this problem was not sorted.

Unfortunately this is the first time I come to Scotland. And this experience have scarred me profoundly.

Also the audacity of the person which awarded this establishment with 3 stars, I think he forgot his minus.


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