Xakariah Z

4 years ago

The homeless housing that is offered by 360 youth ...

The homeless housing that is offered by 360 youth services is absolutely god awful. I wouldn t wish for my worst enemy to live here. I ve been assaulted by staff, harassed, ignored, and all around abused by them. The most recent incident was just before I moved out in June, a staff member by the name of Danny gave an old ID with my dead name (the name I was given at birth which is now legally changed) to another brand new resident. That is a direct violation of my privacy as a client at this program. I even went as far as speaking directly with the new CEO of 360 and she herself has done thing to solve this issue. After this event occurred I requested my entire file to insure that nobody would ever receive my information again, and they refused. I was told originally that they (the program) only holds onto the information for 6 months. I am now being told they hold onto it for 7 years!! And I am still unable to even get a copy of MY information until I sign a release of information from to myself! The leader of the program I was in admitted to not being trained in social work, or in mental health. Very odd considering the website about the housing programs clearly states that ALL staff are trained in mental health, but they are not. (I have voice recordings). I had a break in while I lived in this hovel and the staff refused to change my locks for over 3 weeks. They even spoke with one of the individuals who broke in over the phone!! Didn t even bother telling the police!! Another terrible staff member is a woman named Tina (again, another staff member not trained in mental health), and my best advice is to never interact with this woman. She will do everything in her power to make you angry and will scream at you full volume. She constantly triggered my PTSD by telling me I am not going to make it anywhere in life and that I should just work in a factory, among yelling at me constantly about things that are unimportant, I swear the woman is on a power trip. I am currently talking with multiple lawyers about how to proceed with a full lawsuit because of their lack of basic human decency. While living here staff constantly harassed me over trivial things, if I had the time I d list every. Single. One. Unfortunately I will only be discussing the largest issues I ve dealt with while living in this hovel. Another incident that occurred was the assault by a staff member, I walked into their main office and was grabbing my stolen items (I had glass pieces that were absolutely hidden in my apartment and they decided to rummage around my items to find something, despite other residents being allowed those same items) and a staff member named Tom. I was walking out with my items and he yelled at me about it because he simply didn t want to get in trouble. I went for the door and the man stepped in front and grabbed me til I fell to the floor from fighting him off. Once I hit the ground he took the glass pieces from me and laughed as I had a panic attack. He thought the whole situation was hilarious. After the incident the leader of the program (Kelly) assumed I lied about the entire situation and did absolutely nothing. The leader of all the homeless programs even suggested this was blown out of proportion, and refused to believe the situation happened. As I m aware Tom still works at this program to this day and has received no punishment. Once I found a new place to call home, they refused to help me pay for anything. The head of all programs, Carolyn refused to help me with anything. The only thing she did was give me things for my kitchen. This place is honestly the biggest hell hole you ll ever live in, and trust me I used to get abused physically at my parents house, but this place, it was so much worse for my mental health, I almost killed myself living here numerous times and the staff couldn t have cared less. Honestly, if you re homeless and struggling, don t bother trying to get into this program. You re better off living on the streets than dealing with ANYTHING this program offers.


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