
jason thompson
Review of ENMAX

4 years ago

Send a free email advising me that if we do not ha...

Send a free email advising me that if we do not have communication by "date *" then there will be a $15 fee to mail the disconnection notice. After all $15 is an excessive fee to charge for an automatically generated letter. I spoke with Sean/Shawn and he was unable to accept immediate payment in full via credit card citing "privacy laws". Sean also conveyed that the website will not accept credit card payment either. So when cash is tight your unethical business practice adds on a $15 fee (that makes my $
problem worse) and because cash is tight I have to use credit card but that isn't accepted thus forcing me to go to the bank for cash advance. Cash advance costs me more charges plus more interest (that makes my $ problem further worsened). I know I'm behind and that is MY fault. But the extra fees feel like Enmax is kicking me further whilst I'm already down. I am equally behind on all my other utilities and services. I have a couple bills that are a full month more behind than Enmax. Yet Enmax is the only company that kicked me further with that $15 cost for a threat letter. I have a decade long history. I have paid tens of thousands of dollars and always caught the bill up. Fortunately I have credit cards to fall back on in hardship. Many less fortunate don't and especially for those disabled, fixed income, sick, etc without credit recourse your businesses practice is totally unethical. You already charge a late fee but then to extort $15 for a stamp just because you can. Not only are you the only company to choose to kick the poor whilst they are down but every other company I called to deal with my accounts arrears happily accepted my credit card not only providing me great convenience but also saving me the bank trip and cash advance fees/interest I must incur now. So unethical... I can't find one positive thing to say other than at least I could understand Sean's english after waiting 25 minutes just to talk to a representative (also unacceptable hold time). Complete fail, so much room for improvement if you really cared to as the survey indicated. I'll watch for credit card payment online, I'll see if you adopt the free email warning of the upcoming $15 threat letter fee... That would be actual tangible ways that ever single customer would agree would add benefit and convenience. Sadly however I hypothesise you don't care about my/our experience and that these recommendations will not see implementation. Perhaps my posting this review/recommendation/commentary in a more public forum (Google reviews, Facebook, Yelp, etc) might help encourage positive change regarding Enmax's lack of ethics, care, or even willingness to simply and graciously accept a credit card payment at least on the website. Particularly if the "privacy laws" (Enmax Rep Sean's info/words) forbid credit card payment via telephone. What is Sean even talking about privacy laws. Any pizza or Chinese food delivery place can accept a credit card? Are they all breaking privacy laws? Doubtful, more likely Enmax knows we are forced to pay and could not be bothered to provide any convenience in terms of payment method. Enmax simply doesn't care or they would catch up to the rest of the modern world and provide this simple, easily accessible service that 99% of the restaurant industry does provide over the phone and the entire online ecommerce industry and entire online world obviously and easily provides. We will see if Enmax cares, please Enmax I encourage you to govern yourself accordingly. These are your policies/business ethics... you asked for advise on how you could improve. I can't believe I need to convey these simple changes that would illustrate instant benefit to every Enmax customer, really it seems so obvious doesn't it? I strangely look forward to my upcoming disappointment from lack of care/implementation of these simple recommendations, merely so I may say I told you so. We will see...


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