4 years ago

I had the app of mytaxi or Intelligent Apps Gmbh i...

I had the app of mytaxi or Intelligent Apps Gmbh installed only 2 weeks ago and am already very upset from the "service", so I decided today to uninstall the app again. Due to the following experiences, I decided against the use of mytaxi:

I used the service to get into a nearby neighbor city. It is about a 10 kilometer long route. The driver of the taxi was not aware of the destination address of the other city. Therefore, he offered me either to determine the way or to use the navigation of the mytaxi app regarding my order. I opted for the latter, which turned out to be a big mistake. Although the driver's mytaxi app listed my correct destination address, the journey was conducted via absurd detours. I checked this with my own Google Maps mobile app, as the route made me suspicious. And I realized that the driver's mytaxi app kept navigating us further and further away from the actual destination. Even just before the finish meant the mytaxi app to drive in the opposite direction. In the end, I stayed for more than 50, - EUR for a ride that would have cost me normally 20, - EUR (I verified it on the way back). In my complaint to mytaxi, they did not want to reimburse me for the damage they suffered and blamed the driver. People retreated to the fact that they were only mediators. The very nice driver, who was very upset about this wandering, met in my opinion, no fault, because he wanted to rely in my sense on the mytaxi service.

On the way back I wanted to give mytaxi another chance and thought it would be an advantage to order mytaxi on a Saturday night. Despite available mobile internet connection mytaxi told me after several minutes of searching that no taxi is available - I tried it 3 times. So I then called the local taxi number of the city he-googel-t and there. About the good phone, I have received directly in this way a taxi! Apparently the order via mytaxi in this regard was not necessarily an advantage for me.

Therefore, my conclusion that I can dispense with mytaxi well, if I pay for a failed navigation more expensive and on the other hand not necessarily receive an order advantage. Are the myaxi servers overloaded on a Saturday night or have not all taxi companies been listed on mytaxi? Furthermore, one showed up in my direct complaint in relation to the navigation unreasonable, so that I alone for this reason have no desire to use the app. The advantage is, I leave almost no "data footprint" when I soon grab the order only to the phone :-)


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