Victoria DiFranco

4 years ago

Used Richie Laser to buy a short sale in Maricopa....

Used Richie Laser to buy a short sale in Maricopa. He, the title company and the selling realtor did NOT do their homework and even after going to short sale school, so he said, did not have clear title to my home. They told me I could move in so I drove 2200 miles in 4 days ALONE, with hardly any sleep, my 13 yr. old dog dying of Cushing's Disease, liver disease, and a heart murmur in the back seat, I arrive with news that I have no home. OH well, he says, that is how short sales go. Do your homework Richie. I fly off the handle and then he GOSSIPS to my family about what I said to the bank. No breach of privacy, nothing. The only family I did have here is now not talking to me. All the family I left behind 2200 miles ago now know too. GREAT GUY!!! And he got paid for all this.


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