Juan Juan

4 years ago

the greed is bigger than the than mars or the sun ...

the greed is bigger than the than mars or the sun at this casino i rate this place not one star but minus 100 stars to a million minus this place don t care how you play what you play or bet u can max out any machine they got or what ever you prefer but it is so rigged they are going to make sure you loose your shirt off your back if u step foot in there and think u just might have luck on your side no such thing at loser Vegas that,s how they roll in pure evil greeeed to no end in the few times i have gone in the past 5 yrs i have yet to see a jackpot being paid out it just wont happen i have bet big and never won a thing other than a big minus 00000 i am writing this because i feel bad for the people that play slots this place don t care if you are hungry starving and cold as long as you have money to donate the rest is you problem i say this because i know most that play in just hopes of coming out with just a little bit more than they took in but that never happens whats that called evil greed to the max their is not enough words to describe this place and how horrid and evil heartless and cruel to its paying customers or victims i wont go back and i am done with this place and all casinos for that matter yes it was my choice to play just like all the others but i refuce to be victimized by such rotten greed of a place its just beyond logical understanding how this place can operate this way and get oway with it and no laws to protect the public they should have a limit per day that a person can play or loose for that matter people think i just might win well thats what they want you to think and spend more well enough sed done and god bless u all


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