Marcelo Urrutia

4 years ago

This organization completely scammed me.

This organization completely scammed me.

Last October, I agreed to host one of their candidates in my home. In my naivety, I trusted the transaction would be legit as I was hosting a veteran and most importantly, a candidate of an organization which receives money from the United States government. I was also lured because they assured me I would have the support of the organization and they even offered other incentives extra rent money, etc. I thought this was a legit organization I could trust. I could not be more wrong.

The tenant then turned his contempt on my housemate. He deliberately left disgusting messes and took food that wasn t his. When my housemate and I confronted him, he feigned ignorance. When we found undeniable proof he did such things, he just laughed. When my efforts to work out these problems with the tenant failed, I sought out support from the organization. The caseworker remained out of contact, so I tried other people in the organization. They told me I only could work with the caseworker. I still had not received rent after a month.

I became fearful and tried to get some assurance that I was in fact dealing with a legit organization despite all evidence to the contrary. When I tried to find some resource within the organization for support in this situation, I was met again with the same unhelpfulness and contemptuous tone. They hung up on me several times, they refused to give information and when I tried to explain the situation and my fear, they did not care. When my boss offered to help me she noticed I was under a lot of stress they did not contact her until after almost three months.

The tenant reduced his brazenly awful behavior. I think he realized the pain this was causing me. This along with the caseworker s apology gave me hope that I could get the rent money, part with the tenant, and move on from this awful chapter. But, the caseworker again became impossible to reach. Only after another week did he reveal in a short email that I would not in fact receive rent money because the tenant had conveniently been dismissed from the program.

Thus, I hope in sharing my experience I can prevent other households from being scammed like I was. A lot of people within the organization visited my house for showings, so beware.

Obviously, I cannot recommend this organization. I d sooner suggest you burn your house down before interacting with them.


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