Autumn Strickling

3 years ago

I was admitted for a dislocated patella May 11th, ...

I was admitted for a dislocated patella May 11th, 2018 around 2am which would be my fourth dislocation of my knee since 2010. As a young women who works in the medical field I was ASTONISHED after my trip to Asante. I work for the State of Oregon, with a little boy who has cerebral palsy, I deal with very strong meds daily and know the side effects to a lot. Knowing exactly what I needed for pain even down to the dosage, the EMT that was in the ambulance did not listen to a word I said, although he was very kind. Probably the nicest person I would have met through all of this. He had asked me what I wanted for pain, Fentanyl or Morphine. Every other time I had been given Morphine, which numbed my leg/pain okay. When I dislocate my knee, my whole body goes in/out of shock. He pumped my full of Fentanyl 100mg to be exact. I was now vomiting all over the place. I was coming from Ashland to Medford. When we arrived I was taken into a room, my parents followed and then at that point were told to leave. No clue as to why as my best friend who was with me in the ambulance was allowed in. There was a handful of people who came in, the first person was a blonde female who repeatedly rolled her eyes at me and told me I needed to "shut up" multiple times. I explained I was given no pain meds and was in severe pain so thats why i couldn't stop crying/screaming. On top of my body going in/out of shock/consciousness. They told me because of how much Fentanyl they gave me I was now not able to have anymore meds (my blood pressure was too low). Nobody asked me if i was comfortable, needed help puking, NOTHING. I was in so much pain at this point I assumed I had broke my ankle at the same time I had dislocated my Patella as that is what happened the first time. An unknown doctor came in with a green shirt on, older man, didn't introduce himself or tell me what he was going to do said out loud "is there something else wrong with her why is she screaming??" as he picked my knee cap up and popped it back into place (no pain meds still) and as he was leaving he shook his head and said "I cant deal with people like her" and left. At this time they had already told my best friend she had to leave, still refusing to let my parents in. After popping my knee cap they all left and shut the doors. I was alone, in pain, vomiting, going in/out of consciousness ALONE for over 30 minutes. I rang buzzers, nothing. Finally a nice younger man around my age came in with my parents. My dad very angry for obvious reasons, my mom had been crying. Still vomiting, no pain meds, no help really they told me i needed to get off the bed and leave as they have other people needing a room. Near impossible and in SO much pain, all they gave me was an Ace bandage. As we were leaving my mom had asked the kind man what I was going to be given for pain management for the next couple days, he then said "the doctor denied pain meds for your daughter and said she should be fine." So not only did they pump me so full of fentanyl that my blood pressure wouldn't come up for 2 whole days but I was given no actual pain help. I later on was told by my mom that the female CNA had came out to the lobby to "warn" my parents that i would probably tell them she refused to let them in, chuckled and went back. My question to Asante is; Would you treat your young daughter this way? I sure hope not.


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