
edwin padilla

4 years ago

My wife and I were away from home celebrating our ...

My wife and I were away from home celebrating our 36th anniversary in New Smyrna Beach, when on that fateful day- 12192018 my lower back was extremely dysfunctional, like never before. I resorted to what I knew with: physical therapy, Tylenol, patches, a walking cane, ice and ultimately the emergency room on 122218, which warranted x-rays and strong narcotics with a recommendation to see an orthopedic physician, upon my return back home.
I received a cortisone injection for the first time (given that I prefer what's natural instead). But it was that serious this time around. The ortho. physician recommended physical therapy, but I already knew the routine and opted for what I believed to be a better and far more trusted approach for more lasting results with functionality, which was Chiropractic. I've since gained greater knowledge and understanding of causal effects affecting my overall health and the spine.
So NO PAIN KILLERS that KILL, no narcotics, and no surgery. Thank God! Instead, I now have a completely different change of lifestyle with functional results. At present, I am on the path of progress with faith activated to a life of total freedom!
As for the staff and the Doctors' - It's not often that you will find the spiritual welcomed and embraced in a medical practice. It's refreshing and ever so welcoming. It's kind of like salvation. You know we all need it, but defilement and enemy of our very soul will see to it that we will not be found, but for hope.

Thank you & blessings from above.


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