Review of Raffaello Hotel

3 years ago


- Some of the staff was nice
- The suites are very pretty
- The outside of the hotel is beautiful
- Large TV (but nothing to watch)
- Free Wifi
- The security is great

- I went with 500$ for two nights, they kept 200$ a night for any "extra expenses" - which there were basically none, no movies to buy, hardly anything in the mini bar - so they held 400$ of my money until I was back home from vacation for no reason, so that really ruined the hotel for me

- On top of that, they then told me the money wouldn't be back on my card for an entire week after my stay there

- The TV has very few channels and no movies to rent

- The elevators are way too small, to get four people inside you have to be touching elbow to elbow the whole ride - I don't think five people fitting inside one would be possible, so getting your luggage to your room can be a bit difficult

- If you don't have a suite, your room will be very small, only about a foot of walking space around the bed

- and fair warning, Taking a taxi from the airport to this hotel will be over 50$

I really wanted to love the hotel because I had gone there to celebrate my birthday and winning a grand prize in a contest hosted in Chicago, but since the hotel basically took all of my money before my vacation started, it was rather hard to enjoy the stay


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