Andrew Lavery

4 years ago

CAE is not the best in the world...see below:

CAE is not the best in the world...see below:

Any decent feedback will be from either students in contract or employed personnel so take their words with a pinch of salt.

Aircraft - 2 aircraft fires in Phoenix which CAE have done their best to avoid talking about.

Computers to assist students in their exams and studies do not work and trips out in exams. In my exams which led to my dismissal I was kicked out of the exam software no less that 18 times in one exam. I was given more time but it was more distracting and led to my downfall.

Not enough extra time can be given by Ground Instructors to help students as there are too many students.

Not enough aircraft and flying instructors in the company to get the bums on seats in the classroom into bums on seats in an airframe.

The Integrated course does not make you a competent pilot. You do not have a licence to fly on your own until the end of the whole course. With a modular route you must have your PPL before you do your ATPL exams. I have, since my removal from ground school CAE gone on to do my PPL and I am now thriving with my ATPL ground school as I have a practical purpose to the theory. Great results.

CAE students that were supposed to go to Phoenix from my course on 2nd December 2019 still haven't left for the USA and are left back in the UK in holding, not progressing, not flying and are left feeling very disillusioned.

CAE do not accept any responsibility for their faults and blame it on the individual. CAE should be there to train and not to view students as their 'product'.

Some of the instructors have no qualification to be able to teach a university course. Poor standard of teaching leading to some very poor results. Instead of helping students they have a culture of 'terminating' you.

Many instructors have recently left CAE which is testament to its shoddy training business plan which is based on greed rather than achievement.

Be very wary of training with CAE. I don't want anyone else to experience this. Certainly not what I signed up for.


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