Larry Pike

3 years ago

I was in a car accident approximately six months a...

I was in a car accident approximately six months ago in which I received a small settlement on my behalf due to pain and suffering. I Received $500 for additional medical expenses and medical bill reimbursement. The total amount of the settlement was $6500. This company contacted me letting me know that I was responsible to pay back my healthcare provider for services rendered. They put a lien on me for $6500. I investigated and went to a lawyer about this. Under Florida law they are only allowed to collect on my settlement if my settlement specifies in which it is for medical bills. I only had $500 that was deemed for medical bills. They told me that I owe them the full amount and I needed to pay immediately. my lawyer then notified me that I did not need to pay the full amount, I was only responsible for $500. I contacted the company and expressed to them that under the law I am only responsible for the $500 they called me a liar told me I didn t know what my law was and that they were going to come after me if I did not place a payment. I then spoke with the supervisor, gave them the name of my attorney. My attorney was in touch with them and let them know that I was only responsible for $500 in which they then sent me a letter stating I was only responsible for $500. My lawyer and I are now suing for harassment.


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