
gp mckee

4 years ago

After 12 days there on the orthopedic floor for ei...

After 12 days there on the orthopedic floor for eight to sixteen hours a day as a care-giver and advocate for a family member, I have little positive to say about the nursing staff or this filthy hospital in general.
I observed only one nurse routinely clean her hands. Gloves are put on for their protection, never the patients.
From being told - and over-hearing it said to other patients, "not to bother staff at 'shift change'" regardless of the patients needs - these highly paid 'professionals' exhibited little concern or care for patients.

Should patients and family members be told by nurses "I have five patients to deal with"; "I don't have help to care for patients like this" (patients with dementia)?
Observing meals put on tables for patients post-op and suffering from dementia but no-one even placing the food within reach, let alone, helping him. Medicines left on bed tables for family members to administer....is this legal let alone ethical????
From a patient falling and breaking her arm and left with no pain relief for over nine hours to Observing my family member and the patient in the next bed being 'man-handled' by staff who should not be permitted to work in veterinary clinics, I am at a loss for what to do in the future should I need to be hospitalized.
This is a case of a rating needing to be in the NEGATIVE, not even one star.
In twelve days of continuous staff changes we had a grand total of three (3) nurses who were caring and competent. The rest were largely incompetent and certainly lacked compassion or empathy.

Equipment not working; staff not knowing HOW to work equipment.


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