Javier Davila

3 years ago

In 2018 I suffered a work accident. I almost lost ...

In 2018 I suffered a work accident. I almost lost my life when a scaffold built by a general contractor collapsed while I was working on it. Luckily only my feet were fractured. As a result of the accident I had surgery to my heel bone back in place with metal screws and a metal plate. The doctor told me that my right heel was like a broken eggshell in many little pieces and I would not be able to run or do the physical activities I used to do before the accident.

And I was shocked to find out that the general contractor was uninsured. The general contractor and homeowner helped me with some money for a few weeks. One day they stopped visiting me and I realized my new reality; I was a cripple in a wheelchair not able to work and provide for my family.

The homeowner's insurance company contacted me and told me that they didn't have to help me because I was working as a licensed independent contractor when the accident happened. They offered me $5000 - just because they wanted to helping me with some money. That is when I started looking for help. A friend recommended me one of the best of the accident attorneys in the bay area with 38 years of experience. This attorney told me, "You don't have a case. You should take the $5000 they offered you and be grateful." I was very sad and disappointed. It was not my fault that the scaffolding collapsed and now I was a cripple in a wheelchair not able to work.

I talked to another attorney. He said, "Your case is too difficult."
I talk to yet another attorney and he said "I'm too busy to take your case but you can Google superlawyers.com. I hope you can find some one who can help you"

At this point I was very frustrate, I felt like life was pissing on me in a dark cold pit. I said to myself "This is the last time I'm going to call an attorney"
I googled superlawyers.com , I saw a picture of a young attorney and called him. We talked, he said, "Yes indeed, it is a difficult case. But I have a colleague who has experience with difficult cases and he had won a very difficult cases. Would you like to talk to him" I responded, "yes please!'

A few days later, I met Loren Schwartz and his assistant Maria.
My English is good but Maria spoke Spanish and that was a plus.
After a long conversation with Loren, he explained that indeed it was a difficult case but he likes challenges and he was willing to help me.
At that moment I felt like life stopped pissing on me and I saw a light at the end of the tunnel.

Loren is an easy-going attorney who is going to fight with all he has.
It felt like my brother or a good friend was fighting for me.
Loren and Maria always answered the phone and kept me posted. It was a great experience seeing Loren do his work; calling doctors, asking for their expert opinions. That was amazing!!.

After almost 2 years, the case is now closed and I am glad I did not take the money the insurance company offered me in the beginning.
My wife says meeting Loren S. was a blessing and I agree with her meeting Loren was a blessing.
There are good honorable people working at Dunn & Panagotacos


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