
tana smith

4 years ago

A friend wrote to local winery, Pillsbury Winery ...

A friend wrote to local winery, Pillsbury Winery requesting a donation for one of our events and this is what she received back from the owner Sam Pillsbury:

I need you to know, there is NOTHING on Earth more immoral, depraved and utterly disgusting than the NRA. Shame on you for even THINKING of fundraising for them, let alone actually sending this disgusting approach to me. Nothing.

I sincerely hope you get the chance to die in the kind of pain 40,000 Americans do every year because of your disgusting organization.

Please be sure NOT to support them or buy their wines. To tell someone that he hopes they die a horrible death is uncomprehenceable. It doesnt matter if your views are left, middle or right he is completely out of line. We wouldn't want him to receive money from "disgusting" people like us! Even though he calls one of his wines "guns & kisses".


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