Taylor Kokko

3 years ago

I am a retired veterinary technician, and don't kn...

I am a retired veterinary technician, and don't know of too many vets that put the animal before the $. Not to say there isn't vet's that will, but the kindness and thoughtfulness shown by the vet on duty the day my daughters N/male cat got blocked (couldn't tinkle), common with male cat's was unbeleivable. Crystals build up in their bladder, which eventually causes a blockage of the urethra. Very uncomfortable and painful as they eventually can't relieve themselves, if left untreated, your baby dies a slow and painful death. Commonly caused by diet of low grade dry food. My daughter had just started a job, and I didn't have the finances or transportation to get him to the vet that day. I had to watch him all day struggle to get a drop out, if that. Poor baby spent all day in the litter box, as I watched him struggle and swell bigger and bigger. My daughter finally got home to hear the news from me as to what I knew was happening to her baby. We were devastated, when we checked our bank accounts and found we had no where near enough for, consultation, investigation, medication,and treatment! I told her we couldn't just leave him like this, and what the result would be if we did. Someone we knew sent us to a vet that supposedly would help and take payments etc anything to save the animal NOT! We tried several clinics, all the while the cat is deteriorating before our and their eyes. I have never worked in this area so I was no help with pulling a favour from a place I'd worked either. Too far away, the cat most likely wouldn't have made it. We must have had some good karma between us, as a last hope (it was getting late), we Google emerg vets, myself knowing that they are usually more expensive than regular vet's as they are 24/7. The closest one was Veterinary Emergency Clinic of York Region. Convinced at this point that euthanasia would be her babies fate, my heart was breaking, all my knowledge and I couldn't do anything as usually it requires the cat being catheterized, and a lot of the time surgery at this point. This Dr was an angel, knowing we had limited funds, he charged us for very little and even gave us free medicated food, with the medication and food he had a slim chance at making it through. Catching the problem early also added to his chances of pulling through. At first we were cautiously hopeful, but he took his med and gobbled his food and finally a wet spot in the litter box! It was a tense 10dys of checking the litter box every few mins, to make sure at least a drop came out. Slowly the spots got bigger and I knew he was on his way, but no garentee, without the proper treatment for this condition. We were so very lucky in many ways, we caught it early, the super kindness of the Dr, and a heck of a lot of good karma. And I have to give the wee man himself some credit too, for taking his meds without having to restrain him (almost like he knew) like a trooper. I have to apologize as this was 6mths ago, sorry I don't remember the Dr's name, he is obviously in the business for the right reasons, his love of animals a priority, over profit. There are many vets that are as generous with their knowledge for the right reasons, in general though not a commonality, more a rarity. Today he is a happy healthy tubby on permanent urenary diet food, thanks to the kindness and compassion of a wonderful vet. Now that I live permanently in Newmarket, I won't be traveling to take my 4 legged babies to vet's that I have known for a long time, I love them for all the love and kindness they have shown my babies, but distance can be critical and your vet should be familiar with your pets, makes a big difference most of the time. Don't let the word "emergency" stop you making this place your babies home for good health. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


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