Porsha Rivera

4 years ago

Started on adult unit 3 for suicidal thoughts, ide...

Started on adult unit 3 for suicidal thoughts, ideas, and plans...

Complaint 1: One girl would never shut up, talking over everyone in group therapy or complaining/whining, and attempting down play others achievements by lying and saying she'd achieve it too. I drew very nice pictures in my free time, she stole one, put her name on it and gave it away to a staff member, claiming she'd drawn it. I only figured out when i saw it hanging on the staff members' wall. The girl pretty much got to do anything she wanted in that unit and had no repercussions.

Complaint 2: One guy became irate with staff and patients, yelling and having a highly threatening demeanor. Instead of him going to a room to cool down, we all had to leave the day room and go to another one. Not a terrible thing, but I thought maybe the staff seemed to reward misbehaving patients by letting them get away with anything.

Complaint 3: A person was there who was transgender, a male identifying as female. Others and I called her by her preferred name and gender out of... SIMPLE RESPECT FOR OTHERS. Many of the staff said they would not because they decided the name on paper was mpre important than respecting her simple request. This is probably my biggest complaint.

Complant 4:
Unorganized - It took me a day to learn they had a room for me ready. On weekends we do... nothing. I didn't get my free call upon admission, to let my family know the number to Cedar Crest, and my code, until half the day was gone. I was not given a folder or journal until about 3 or 4 days in.

Neutral 1: i was changed to unit 2, but only beacause there wasn't enough room for newcomers in unit 3.

Happy with 1: Some staff is very professional very sweet and helpful. Some actually answer questions and if they don't know an answer, they'll find someone who knows, or find out themselves. Some staff say they believe in you and know you can do it. The good staff highly kept my attention off the bad.

Happy with 2: Weekdays are way more active and consist of far more helpful activities. These include Therapy/Group therapy, outside breaks (or smoke breaks for those who do smoke), recreational therapy and group game time, and sometimes you can go in the pool.

Happy with 3: The recreational therapy lets you have fun and game in teams and teaches teamwork. Kareoke was very fun and new to watch and was enjoyed by all. Artistic creations were also taught and we lerned interesting things like making a 3-d flower from coloured duct tape.

Happy with 4: .... We learned yoga!!! Almost daily. It helped me to form a healthy coping skill or activity for days i am down.


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