3 years ago

Jenice Kim, M.D Took my $450 and refused to resolv...

Jenice Kim, M.D Took my $450 and refused to resolve my issue.

Absolutely the single worst experience of my life. Having no insurance, I gave these people the last of the little bit of money I could gather in order to finally get my ADHD under control, which has prevented me from enjoying a normal productive life. Having tried other medications for this issue I was assured what she would have me would help alleviate my symptoms and allow me to finally have the focus to pursue my dreams.
Instead Jenice Kim, M.D, prescribes me the #34 most popular prescription medication in America... a popular antidepressant. She then proceeds to tell me the dopamine in the antidepressant will alleviate my adhd symptoms... if i simply wanted a dopamine rush there are plenty of cheaper alternatives. She also proceeds to tell me smoking herb will worsen my depression and I should stick to the antidepressants, all the while refusing to provide me with proper ADHD medication.

If you care about having your TIME and MONEY valued stay clear of this awful place. Clear malpractice definitely looking into whether or not i can take legal action.


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