4 years ago

Been a long time customer with these guys for over...

Been a long time customer with these guys for over four years. Recently my emails and uplay account were compromised... and the culprit logged in to my R6S account and had decided to use cheats. Upon discovery of my ban I followed up with support and they told me someone in Canada had logged into my account.

Granted that they know this and that my account has never been logged in from anywhere else except California and I've never cheated or displayed bad behaviour... they don't think this is fishy and decided to not remove the ban and allow me a grace as a thank you for being a customer for so long out of good faith and reason that they think I'm not a hacker or a racist/homophobe. I bring up the last part because the person who hacked my account also got me banned for bad behaviour.

Anyways, Ubisoft denies having said the person who logged into my account is from Canada and instead they pinned it on me.

Never again will I buy a game from this company, I've been forthcoming and a diplomat about my appeal and never once acted poorly.

But since they refuse to communicate with me on a level where they won't give me any closure or respect as a long time customer, I can guarantee that my time is going to be devoted to the defamation and exposing of this company for what it is.

Fraudulent, cowardly, and no more a cash grabber than a pay2win even though their games as far as I know aren't pay2win. They just have that money grubbing attitude and I would have been glad to pay them more money than I have if they would of shown me some respect instead of being rats.

Thanks ubisoft, might as well be Microsoft, go ahead and sellout harder than you are already. Despicable.


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