Sarah Ciocher

3 years ago

Let me start off by saying my friend and I had a t...

Let me start off by saying my friend and I had a total blast at Brighton Asylum for Friday the 13th. Be prepared to park off-site as the lot gets full quickly--luckily we had a Mini Cooper to squeeze into a small spot. The designated t-shirt staff is helpful in directing you to where you need to go upon arrival. Our wait time to get into both The Tunnel and The Asylum was surprisingly quick considering it was Friday the 13th. The staff does their best to get everyone organized into groups to transition you into the attractions smoothly. The actors on the outside do a great job of interacting, having fun, taking selfies, etc.

As for the attractions themselves, they are works of art. Personally, I don't get scared easily but I enjoy haunted attractions for the fun of it. The actors really have a great time bantering and scaring guests, so it's totally entertaining if you're with people who get scared easily. Both The Tunnel and The Asylum are warm and do require some physicality aside from walking, so dress properly. The actors are also great about not touching you, but be prepared for them to enter your personal space.

I'll be totally honest when I say I wasn't really digging just a few aspects of the attractions. There was a problem during our time in The Tunnel because it wasn't clear where we were supposed to go, so two groups ended up fumbling around a hallway trying to figure out which way to go. I don't want to spoil it, but in The Asylum there are two areas you need to stop and time yourself passing through because of an interaction. This caused somewhat of a traffic jam, so to avoid getting hit, my friend had to jump back, causing me to jump back and stumble into an older man. I think this could be much smoother for guests if they had one of the actors assisting like they do for some of the other physically interactive features. Since it was Friday the 13th, I think we both expected there to be more of a theme aside from Jason Voorhees randomly appearing during one passage of the attraction. Overall, we had a great time and can't wait to check out what Brighton Asylum brings in 2018.


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