Kermit Thefrog

4 years ago

Job Seekers Beware!

Job Seekers Beware!
The staff consists of salesmen not recruiters.
The individual I interviewed with had not the first clue of construction, construction methods or basic terminology, BUT, of course, had an estimating position for me!
In my personal oppinion, I don't believe this individual had a grasp on basic business operations and positions required what so ever.
I wasted an entire afternoon plus an hour drive (x2) to meet with them.
Upon initial interview with the account representative I was handed a form to sign.
Please READ the fine print. Their fee may and more than likely come out of your pocket. The (ahem) recruiter back peddled and rudly implied I misunderstood what the document was stating. They also offered to strike one of the items from their document. I am not a lawyer, but have plenty experience reading contract documents, Please be very aware, if the prospective employer does not pay the fee, it is your responsibility. They inturn will spin it like a used car salemen to make all seem pretty with rainbows and unicorns. Don't buy it!
Upon my refusal of signing said document, I was rudely told "Thanks for wasting my time" and the individual stormed off in a huff. I returned in kind with the same remark and exited the office.
If you are contacted by Search Masters proceed with caution.
Today's experience has taught me one thing, no matter how bad I need a job, I don't need one which will cost me money to get.
Keep searching, put out positive energy and the universe will guide you.


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