Polo S

4 years ago

Since i was a child i loved Adams. Every Sunday af...

Since i was a child i loved Adams. Every Sunday after church my parents would take us to Adams. We would get home and have sandwiches & watch football, baseball. Well i have shopped there every week ever since. Love the Garden Shows the most. So i am in there today, mind you i have spent $250 in the last 3 days there, and i payed for my groceries. Had a little left so i went back into isles. NEVER left the store just went back to get salad from the deli. I had 3 people following me around like i was going to steal. So i got my macaroni salad and grabbed a pack of hot dogs. When i checked out i purposefully left the dogs in my cart to prove that i was being followed. Went to check out and only put the salad on the belt. Sure enough the 3 that were following me were standing at my checkout and right away asked "What about those hotdogs?" That proved that they were following me watching me. I was pissed. I still am. I had just spent over $50 and over $250 in last 3 days, then they basically tell me I was stealing??? To hell with Adams. They profile there. I am 35 but was in work cloths so i looked ragady i will admit. But for them to profile loyal customers by looks is pathetic! Im sure they do that to black people and people that look out of place shopping there. I am pissed! I set a trap and they took the bait. Shame on ADAMS! This happened at the Poughkeepsie location. Never again will i shop there! Never.


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