Mac Kaniecki

4 years ago

When I first started coming here seeing Dr. Kernod...

When I first started coming here seeing Dr. Kernodle I was fresh out of the Army Rangers and had just served two years in Iraq & prior to that I was in 2 other war zones and was suffering from severe PTSD, severe panic attacks, severe anxiety, and severe depression. I do not know the exact number, but I am guessing it has been close to 10 years that I have been seeing this wonderful man. Any doctor no matter what their specialty can write you prescriptions and send you on your way, but this doctor has worked with me through the years and we have tried many different regiments and about 5 years ago, (give or take a year). Doc.finally hit the nail on the head and found a regiment that is perfect for me and has given me my life back. So for you guys out there in the state of mind that I was in 10 years ago. Know! There is hope because I literally was having up to 10 panic attacks a day and some lasting upwards of 30 minutes an attack. Now I can say that I have panic attacks at a minimum & when they do occur babe last of Maxima or maybe a minute. Bottom line. I was so bad that I could not go within a few blocks of my house without having a panic attack. Whenever it got dark I had a panic attack and they continue throughout the darkness. I missed out on a lot add event and firsts 4 my little girls. I could not go to the beach because I was scared to leave the house and so I missed out on all 3 of my daughter's first time I'm putting their feet in the water in the ocean many other firsts for them. I have actually been on cruise ship with my wife little girls on more than one occasion and have driven to Florida to embark and this is a 14-hour drive in which before I could not sit longer than 5 minutes in the car without panicking and asking my wife to turn around and take me back home immediately. Again. I am retired military and have many veteran friends who suffer from PTSD, but I have never met any that were as severe as my case, but as long as you listen to your Dr., and take your medications as prescribed. You WILL live a normal life just like any other human being. I know it sounds far-fetched because when I first was told this I automatically was a non believer, but I hung in there and Dr. Kernodle also has a book in which I read which helped out also, but I make sure I see him every 3 months like clockwork and have done so sense the day we met. I do not just consider Dr. Kernodle my Doctor, but I also consider him a friend. Anyone who is going through these severe attack please feel free to contact me not as a physician but as an ear because believe me I honestly believe that with the wisdom I have from dealing with this & from still dealing with this that I can and believe that it is my God sent Duty to help others out who is going through this. So please feel free to contact me not as a physician but as in ear, because believe me. This is manageable exclamation point


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