
habib tertawa
Review of RSUD Husada

3 years ago

Morning devotion, quite interesting. * challenges ...

Morning devotion, quite interesting. * challenges for the world of health both conventional and complementary * >>>
The words of * Health Minister * Zhang Wen Kang below should be an afterthought
1 Going to the hospital the person has not died, was treated for a few months and then died, try to say this was treated until healed, or was treated to death
2 Diabetes: At first one plus sign, for 10 years the treatment changes to four plus signs, let's say that after the treatment becomes light or gets heavier, and can it last 10 more years .....
3 The doctor himself has 10 years of high blood pressure, he himself cannot treat himself, but he can open prescriptions for patients with high blood pressure. The doctor himself has diabetes for 5 years, gout 8 years, opens a prescription to treat a sick patient 1-2 years, Isn't it funny
4 The hospital building is getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more sick patients, if doctors can cure patients, there should be fewer patients.
5 Cancer patients undergo surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, after 2-3 months of death, even bankruptcy is destitute. Not being admitted to the hospital can even live 2 years or even longer, is that a medical achievement or something sad?
6 What kind of person should go to the hospital?

* First people who need emergency help;

Both people need emergency hemostasis (stop bleeding);

The three people who broke their arms / legs;

The four pregnant women who will give birth. *
For people other than the above, as long as * regulate the mentality of life, exercise, change bad habits, balanced nutrition, treatment with herbs is sufficient *
7 Conclusion:
Humans have lost their logical mindset:
Take medicine
To the doctor
Enter the Emergency Relief Hospital Sell the house
Borrow money
Treated to death

This is the sadness of the human inertial mindset

Humans are so upset and lost

Remember: The key to * long life health is in your own hands *

You are not really sick, just have a habit of going to the doctor to check for diseases, ...

So the brain is the one with the disease.

So it was his brain that was brought to the doctor?


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