4 years ago

This is the leading naturopath teaching clinic in ...

This is the leading naturopath teaching clinic in the country and it depends on which clinic you go to see (Naturopathic, Acupunture, Chinese Medicine) but the visits are almost an hour long and very thorough but it is a teaching clinic so you will be seeing students before the attending (they also have a private clinic as well int he same building).

They are ND's so if you have never been to one before you need to be aware that there are different "styles" and it might depend on which attending you get what they will focus on. The majority of visits try to keep you healthy vs treating an acute problem so the focus is on nutrition, lifestyle, stress etc (they also have a short term counseling) and it is a great resource for people with chronic conditions.

Be aware that they don't take all insurance and it can cost as much ($200 for ND but only $40 for acupuncture) or more than a regular doc visit (which average 8 minutes vs an hour) but in WA state all insurance co's are required to cover ND's so you will at least get some coverage.

They have the highest patient satisfaction scores in the Puget Sound region (according to Puget Sound Health Alliance) and I have always felt well taken care of there but still see my MD for some of my care.


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